СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!! Use the verbs from the brackets in Present Progressive, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive forms

1. 1 (not to see) Helen for two years. 2. He (to do) his project since Monday. 3. 1 (not to hear) about Greg for a long time. 4. My dad (to drive) since he was sixteen. 5. Jack (to fail) his English test three times because doesn't know the grammar rules. 6. I think Don and Tom (to make) progress in Maths now. 7. Alice (not/ to pass) her driving test because she doesn't know the rules well. 8. She (to worry about this for two months. 9. Lena (to study) the French language since she was a little chik 10. She (not/to take) another test yet. 11. Look at the window! It (to rain) heavily. 12. Be quiet, please! Your elder brother (to prepare) for his exams at the moment. 13. Ivan has a stomachache. He (to eat) chips with Coke all day. 14. I never to hear) that song before. 15. How long Mary (to ski)?


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