a Complete the sentences with the verbs in (brackets) in the present continuous. Use contractions where possible.

Mark's arriving on Friday at 7.00 p.m. (arrive) 1 we your sister tonight or tomorrow
night? (meet) 21 this evening because we out to dinner. (not cook, go) 3. My mother to lunch next Saturday. She isn't.
very well. (not come)
4 What time.
you to the doctor's tomorrow? (go)
5 A
to France next week? (fly)
R B No, they. the train, the Eurostar. (get)
6 We need to hurry. The train.
in ten minutes!
(leave) 7 A Where.
you when you're in Rome? (stay)
B We in a hotel. We a flat from some friends. (not stay, rent)


Ответ дал: Лусушка


Mark's arriving on Friday at 7.00 p.m. (arrive)

1 Are we meeting your sister tonight or tomorrow night? (meet)

2 This evening we aren't cooking because we're going out to dinner. (not cook, go)

3. My mother isn't coming to lunch next Saturday. She isn't very well. (not come)

4 What time are you going to the doctor's tomorrow? (go)

5 Are they flying to France next week? (fly)

R B No, they're getting the train the Eurostar. (get)

6 We need to hurry. The train's leaving in ten minutes! (leave)

7 A Where are you staying when you're in Rome? (stay)

B We aren't staying in a hotel. We're renting a flat from some friends. (not stay, rent)

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