Вставить пропущенные слова. My name is Oleh. I am a student of the medical college. My father is a doctor. He works as a s_____ n in the surgical department at a h _____ l. He works very hard. He is a good surgeon. His work begins at eight. When he comes to the hospital, he goes to his wards to examine his p____s. He asks the w____ d n ____e about postoperative conditions of his patients. The nurse sometimes tells him that the t______ e of some postoperative patients is rather high and some of
them have a swelling. But as a rule, she says mat there are no postoperative reactions. My father gives her necessary i _______s. Then he goes to the o ______g r ______m. During my practice I saw an operation in the operating room.


Ответ дал: krivonosovnikita28


а что делать надо ? (я отвечу если пояснить)

yaroslava13: s_____ n вставить в тексте пропущеные слова
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