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shirin2006ganieva: какой именно
emmieldar: Все либо один


Ответ дал: SheWhoRunsOnTheWaves


1. 1. had known, would have helped

1. 2. would have been, had sold, had moved

1. 3. hadn't taken, would have gotten

2. 1. If we had asked our dad for advice, we wouldn't have made a terrible mistake.

2. 2. If Annie hadn't wanted to sponsor her nephew in a charity run, she wouldn't have donated any money.

2. 3. I would have known something about the earthquake if I had read the newspaper.

2. 4. If Sally hadn't missed her flight, she wouldn't have had to buy a new, much more expensive ticket.

emmieldar: Спасибо большое, учитель проверил и там только одна ошибка в 1.3 там got, но все равно спасибо)
SheWhoRunsOnTheWaves: У глагола get есть два варианта 3ей формы. Кто-то использует got, кто-то gotten
SheWhoRunsOnTheWaves: "Get is the present tense form of the verb. Got is the past tense form as well as one of the two alternatives for the past participle. The other alternative for the past participle is gotten, which is generally preferred in the United States." Сайт: https://web.mit.edu/course/21/21.guide/get-got.htm#:~:text=Get%20is%20the%20present%20tense,preferred%20in%20the%20United%20States.
SheWhoRunsOnTheWaves: Можете апеллировать :)
emmieldar: Спасибо большое за объяснение)))))))
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