Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1. Yesterday, we
(play) football when it
(start) to rain.
2. Look out! It
3. It’s hard to explain. I
(demonstrate) it to you.
4. I’m very busy at the moment. I
(prepare) for my exam.
5. I
(visit)15 countries by now.
6. I
(meet) friend tomorrow. We have concert tickets.
7. I think the summer
(be) hot.
8. My lessons
(start) at 9 am.


Ответ дал: rusikglazyrin


1. Played, started

2. Falled

3. Demonstrated

4. Prepared

5. Visited

6. Met

7. Тут либо wasn't либо weren't

8. Started

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