1 The students are in 'houses' only on Sports Day
2 Everyone wears trainers.
3 Students take part in athletics events. 4 There are three people in each team in the three-legged race.
5 People often fall over in the three-legged race.
6 Winning a medal is the most important part of Sports Day.
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Ответ дал: SheWhoRunsOnTheWaves


  1. F
  2. T
  3. T
  4. F
  5. T
  6. F


1. "In British schools, students are in teams called 'houses'. You can win points for your house all year round with good work and good behaviour, but you can also win points on Sports Day."

2. "Everyone wears a T-shirt that is the colour of their 'house'. They also wear trainers and shirts or trousers."

3. "There are athletics events and other games, too."

4. "Two students are in each team."

5. "It's really funny and you're lucky if you reach the finish line without falling over!"

6. "It's great to win a medal on Sports Day, but the real reason why everyone loves this day is that it's so much fun to play sports with all your friends. As the British say, 'It's no the winning, it's the taking part'."


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