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People use many things. We reuse things when we use them again, one more time. For example, we buy plastic bottles with drinks. But we can reuse them to keep water or milk. How can you reuse plastic bottles?​


Ответ дал: cbncvbc


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Если ваша тара из безопасного материала и вы решили использовать ее повторно, то важно ее хорошо помыть. Можно мыльным раствором, либо разбавленным уксусом. Вода должна быть теплой, ни в коем случае не горячей! Кипяток может повредить пластик и целостность упаковки.

Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj
As for my family, we reuse plastic bottles as containers when we sow the seeds of some vegetables in spring. Also mother uses plastic bottles again when she sends violets to her friend and doesn't want them to be damaged. My granny reuses bottles covering first spring flowers when it is very cold. In summer we can use them to frighten birds to fly away from cherry trees.


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