Найдите и выделите ошибки в числе существительных We have a cats. His name is Vasya. He likes catching mouses. His favourite places is my study. There are many shelfs there. He always sleeps on the top shelf so that he can see everything in the room. I have many fish in the aquarium in my study. Vasya likes watching the fish. Sometimes he hears some childrens playing in the yard, and jumps to the window to see them.



Ответ дал: ikAmlet


We have a cat. His name is Vasya. He likes catching mice. His favourite place is my study. There are many shelves there. He always sleeps on the top shelf so that he can see everything in the room. I have many fish in the aquarium in my study. Vasya likes watching the fish. Sometimes he hears some children playing in the yard, and jumps to the window to see them.


1)A cat (1 кот)

2)mouse(1 мышь)→mice (несколько мышей)

3) favourite place (1 место)

4)shelf → shelves (f→v)

5)fish - не изменяется

6)children - дети (уже мн. число, "s" не нужно)

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