Answer the questions:
1. Who are the main characters of the tale?
2.What was the problem?
3. Who could solve the dispute?
4. What are the main features of Happiness?
5. What are the main features of Science? 6. What are the main features of Reason?​



Ответ дал: wer377100


1.The main characters are Reason, Science and Happiness.

2.They argued, "who is better,who is stronger"?

3.Byis can solve the dispute.

4.The main features of Happiness are "You, Happiness,are very changeable.___(тут ответ идёт до you will live long")

5.The main features of Science are " and you science,are strong in the whole word.__(тут ответ идёт до many years in respect.)

6.The main features of Reason are "There is no better to a man than you.___(тут ответ идёт до not take your place".


1.Главными героями сказки являются Разум,Наука и Счастье.

2.Они спорили, "кто лучше,кто сильнее"

3.Byis может решить спор.

4.Основные черты счастья....

5.Основные черты науки...

6.Основные черти разума....

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