Сделай отрицания и вопросы 1. Mary will help me tomorrow.
2. It was a nasty day.
3. There will be many people in the park tomorrow.
4. Kate is doing her homework now.
5. A poor boy stole some food to eat.
6. Kelly and I always swim in summer.
7. I will go to school on Tuesday.
8. There were many vegetables on the field.
9. A day passed.
10. Her new friends are talking to my mother now.​


Ответ дал: denmalniev2009


Mary won't help me tomorrow.

It wasn't a nasty day.

There won't be many people in the park tomorrow.

Kate isn't doing her homework now.

A poor boy didn't stole some food to eat.

Kelly and I not always swim in summer

I won't go to school on Tuesday.

There weren't many vegetables on the field.

A day wasn't passed.

Her new friends aren't talking to my mother now.​

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