I have to bring a matter to your _________. We have received a lot of complaints from customers about late ________________ of parcels. I have come to the ______________ that the new system we introduced last month is a complete ___________ . This seems to be due to a combination of factors, but one of the most important ones is that some__________ are not very responsible. The union __________ say it's not the workers bt the managers who are at fault. Преобразуйте слова так чтобы они подходили грамматически и лексически по содержанию текста: ATTEND, Deliver conclude, FAIL, EMPLOY, REPRESENT


Ответ дал: Frella

I have to bring a matter to your attention.

We have received a lot of complaints from customers about late delivery of parcels.

I have come to the conclusion that the new system we introduced last month is a complete failure.  

This seems to be due to a combination of factors, but one of the most important ones is that some employers are not very responsible. 

 The union representatives say it's not the workers but the managers who are at fault.


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