Ask the question 1. Lake Baikal is the oldest lake on planet Earth, isn't it? 2. How old is it? 3. Is Lake Ontario deeper than lake Baikal? 4. When do the snows of Siberia come to Lake Baikal? 5. The ice don't get very thick in winter, do it? 6. Is the water in the lake warm? 7. Where does the lake lay?
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Ответ дал: allayatskayaa

1.Yes,it is

2.It is about 30 million years old

3.No,it isn't. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world

4. The snows of Siberia comes to Baikal in the end of December

5.No, usually the ice gets quite thick in winter

6.Yes it is warm,but only in Summer

7.Lake Baikal lays near Irkutsk

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