даю 70 б!!!!! СРОЧНО!!!

Jackie speaks fluent French, but I)...

a) doesn’t b) don’t c) am not d) didn’t

It has been said that the weather is going to be nice today, but it .

a) doesn’t b) hasn’t ¢) didn’t d) isn’t

What ... at? What’s the joke?

a) are you laughing b) do you laugh

¢) had you laughed d) you laughed

I... you are very impolite. z oes

a) think b)amthinking ¢) have thought —_d) will bethinking

Where are the scissors that I ... yesterday? a

a) had bought. _b) have bought —_¢) bought d) was buying
Level 2

I think I’ll buy these shoes. They ... me really well.

a) fit b) have fit ©) fitted d) were fitting —

She asked when the secretary usually .. $

a) is coming b) came oe come . * d)willcome

Pll tell Anna all the news when I... her. ? abit ees

a) shall see b) saw c) see d) will be seeing

He asked me when! ... the day before. a adie

a) came b) had come c) shall come .

Wipe your feet before you ... into the room.

a) has come b) had come c) come

What ... about a moment ago? sib (f Be

a) were you thinking b) have you been thinking =~

c) will you think — d) are you thinking fa

I suddenly realized I ... in the wrong direction. vi uo¥ eat

a) was walking —_b) walk c) have walked d)am —_

I wonder if Paul ... me a lift to work,

a) is giving b) will give c) gives d) will ig

When I arrive at the airport tomorrow, my whole family ....

a) wait __b) waits ¢) waited

The teacher told us that magnets. iron.

a) attracted b) attract ¢) attracts

She will speak to Professor Moore as soon as he ... free.

a) will be b) shall be c) is


Ответ дал: pixiieville




1) b

2) d

3) a

4) a

5) c

6) a

7) comes

8) d

9) ?

10) c

11) a

12) a

13) b

14) will be waiting

15) b

16) c/a

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