Problems of health in different countries
Type the correct word into the gap according to the definition in brackets.
People from progressive countries suffer from ......... (fat) and .......... (the fact of being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for health). It happens because of their .......(having little exercise or physical activity) lifestyle. Nowadays people don’t do hard work, they created machines to do it. People only control and manage them.


Ответ дал: КосмическийРобот

Ответ :

People from progressive countries suffer from Overweight (fat) and Obesity (the fact of being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for health). It happens because of their sedentary (having little exercise or physical activity) lifestyle. Nowadays people don’t do hard work, they created machines to do it. People only control and manage them.

Поеснение :

Overweight - fat.

Obesity - the condition of being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for health.

Sedentary – having little exercise or physical activity.

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