A Our towns, cities and motorways can be transformed by unusual buildings, statues and ... huge roadside attractions! They bring an element of surprise and humour to everyday places and come in many shapes and sizes. Here are some of the largest roadside attractions in the world... How would you like to stand in the mouth of the world's biggest dinosaur?

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Benkirill: На русском пересказ?


Ответ дал: anoool
Ответ: I am sure learning foreign languages is very important nowadays. People start learning a foreign language, because they want to have a better job, a possibility to study abroad or take part in international conferences. People want to have a possibility to get a higher education abroad or even start their career there. The most popular among foreign languages are English, German, Italian, French and Spanish.

I have chosen English as a foreign language, because it is the most widespread language on the Earth. About one billion people speak or understand English. English is the language of international communication in many areas of life: trade, tourism and sport. The latest results of scientific investigations are also translated into English. Many books of the best modern writers and poets are translated into English. Sometimes, it is the only way to read and understand the latest works of foreign authors, Japanese or Turkish, for exampleyesyes


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