2. Underline the correct modal verb.
1. You need to / shall stay at home if you are ill.
2. You may / have to ask for permission to leave the classroom.
3. You don't have to / mustn't be rude to your teachers.
4. Parents can't/ don't have to park their cars in front of the school gates.
5. You can/ must raise your hand and wait before you ask a question.
6. You should / might spend more time studying if you want to get good marks.
7. If she gets permission from her parents, she may / must study in France next year.
8. Should / may I have some information about universities in Britain, please?
9. He should have / must have studied a lot for the History exam. He got very high marks.
10. Sue can't have / must have been at the party last night. She is in Italy right now.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj
1. You need to stay ..
2.You have to ask ..
3. You mustn't be...
4. Parents don't have to...
5. You must raise .
6. You should spend..
7. ..., she may study in France...
8. May I have ..?
9. He must have studied ..
10. Sue can't have been at ..

. Объяснение:

Аноним: Пожалуйста помогите разобраться в моём профиле
Аноним: пожалуйста помогите разобраться в моём профиле
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