Выберите правильный вариант:
1. My parents were very glad to meet ____.
a) he b) him c) his d) he’s
2. Now we ____ the first-year students.
a) are b) is c) – d) to be
3. I go ___ the University ___ tram.
a) in, on b) to, by c) in, by d) to, with
4. The news from Mary____ very good.
a) be b) are c) – d) is
5. All ____ need some ____ of psychology.
a) parent, knowledges, b) parent, knowledge c) parents, knowledges
d) parents, knowledge
6. ____ house is very big.
a) my parent’s b) my parents’ c) my parents’s d) my parents
7. This is ____ amusing film. I like it very much.
a) a b) an c) the d) -
8. Ann is interested ____ foreign languages.
a) for b) in c) about d) on
9. I enjoyed ____ very much at Ann’s party.
a) oneself b) my c) me d) myself
10. I think that he speaks English ____ than Ann.
a) bad b) badly c) worse d) worst
11. George always ____ and ____ before eating.
a) is shaving, dressing b) shaves, dresses c) had shaved, dressed d) shave,
12. What problems ____ at the lecture yesterday?
a) did you discuss b) did you discussed c) were you discussing d) discussed
13. My niece is ____ student. She studies at … Oxford University.
a) -, the b) a, the c) a, an d) a, -
14. ____ Jane look beautiful today?
a) doesn’t b) isn’t c) aren’t d) don’t
15. ____ television when I phoned you?
a) were you watching b) did you watch c) did you watching d) are you
16. I haven’t finished my drawing ____.
a) already b) before c) just d) yet
17. ____ he interested in psychology?
a) did b) does c) do d) is
18. There aren’t ____ easy ways of learning a foreign language.
a) some b) any c) no d) few
19. It’s ___ third time you ask me ___ same question.
a) the, the b) the, a c) a, the d) the, -
20. He goes to the University on ____.
a) car b) bus c) tram d) foot


Ответ дал: moonshine70

1.b- him

2.a- are

3. b - to, by

4. d - is

5. parents, knowledge

6. b - my parents'

7. b - an

8. b - in

9. d - myself

10. c - worse

11. b - shaves, dresses

12.a - did you discuss

13. b - a, the

14. b - isn't

15. a - were you watching

16. d - yet

17. d - is

18. b - any

19. a - the, the

20. d - on foot

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