Составить по 3 предложения(вопросительные, утвердительные) на английском с It is, was, were, will be, Did, Have, Has, to be+Ving

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Ответ дал: moonshine70

it is a map

it is not a map

is it a map?

he was a freshman

he was not a freshman

was he a freshman?

we were at home

we were bot at home

were we at home?

it will be rain

it will not be rain

will it be rain?

she did her homework

she didn't do hwr homework

did she do her homework?

they have some phones

they don't have some phones

do they have some phones?

she has a pet

she doesn't have a pet

does she have a pet?

he is walking

he is not walking

is he walking?

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