Поставьте глагол в Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Mr. Black…………(read) the newspaper since 9 o’clock. I………(be) a fan of The Beatles since I was fifteen. The boy ……(jump) over the fence and …….(not to hurt) himself. The girl……(jump) in the yard all day, and she is not tired. What an active girl! How long…..you…..(fish) in this river? — For three hours already. …….you ……(catch) anything? — Not a fish. Peter ……(be) a soldier for two years. …….you ……….(read) the book Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe?; Mary…………(choose) books in the library for a half an hour. Betty…………(choose) the best toy in the shop and asked her mother to buy it.​


Ответ дал: bighugemister
  • Mr Black has been reading the newspaper since 9 o'clock.
  • I've been a fan of The Beatles since I was fifteen.
  • The boy has jumped over the fence and hasn't hurt himself.
  • The girl has been jumping in the yard all day, and she is not tired. What an active girl!
  • How long have you been fishing in this river? -- For three hours already.
  • Have you caught anything? - Not a fish.
  • Peter has been a soldier for two years.
  • Have you read the book Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe?
  • Mary has been choosing books in the library for a half an hour.
  • Betty has chosen the best toy in the shop and asked her mother to buy it.
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