Put the verbs Present Perfect or Past Simplе
1. I never (do) this sport.

2. The boys just (break) the window.

3. It (stop) snowing an hour ago.

4. He (work) here 2 years ago.

5. We (see) this film last month.

6. We (go) to London this winter.

II. Translate into English.

1. Фильм «Титаник»- это романтическая история любви.

2. Спецэффекты делают фильм прекрасным.

3. Маленькие дети смотрят мультфильмы.

4. Я слушаю рок.


6. Группа «Добро» занимает топ 5 на этом канале.


Ответ дал: bighugemister


  1. I've never done this sport.
  2. The boys have just broken the window.
  3. It stopped snowing an hour ago.
  4. He worked here 2 years ago.
  5. We saw this film last month.
  6. We went to London this winter.


  1. "Titanic" is a romantic story of love.
  2. Special effects make a movie amazing.
  3. Young children watch cartoons.
  4. I listen to rock.
  5. MTV is a music channel.
  6. The "Dobro" band is in the top five on this channel.
Ответ дал: Пеппер

1. I have never done this sport.

2. The boys just have broken the window.

3. It stopped snowing an hour ago.

4. He worked here 2 years ago.

5. We saw this film last month.

6. We went to London this winter.

II. Translate into English.

1. The movie "Titanic" is a romantic love story.

2. The special effects make the movie great.

3. Small children watch cartoons.

4. I listen to rock.

5. MTV is a musik channel.

6. The Dobro group takes the top 5 on this channel.

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