8. Rewrite the sentences as in the example using a reflexive pronoun 1) Nobody helped me to do the homework. I did my homework by myself, . 2) Nobody helped Alibek to pass his exams. I 3) Nobody helped Aika to learn how to ride a bike. 4) Nobody helped me to solve the problem. 5) Nobody helped Aida and Natasha to carry their heavy bags. 6) Nobody helped us to paint the walls. 7) Nobody helped you to write an essay. ​


Ответ дал: ieuwklqk


2. He passed his exams by himself

3. She learnt how to ride a bike by herself

4. I solved the problem by myself

5. They carried their heavy bags by themselves

6. We painted the walls by ourselves

7. You wrote an essay by yourself

dianazainitdinova201: спасибо большое
kamallovruslan659: Спасибо большое
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