Join the sentences with the correct relative pronoun.
1 There's the boy. He broke the window.
2 That's the palace. The King lives in it.
3 There are the policemen. They caught the thief.
4 He gave her a watch. It stopped after IND two days.

5 The Red Lion is the pub. We met in it for a drink.

6 Here are the letters. They arrived this morning.

7 That's the house. I was born in it.

8 Where is the woman? She ordered the fish.​


Ответ дал: ieuwklqk


1. There's the boy who broke the window

2. That's the palace where The King lives

3. There are policemen who caught the thief



6. Here are the letters which arrived this morning

7. That's the house where I was born

8. Where is the women who ordered the fish?

4 і 5 не знала, пробач(

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