Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct word. 1 I'm going to write to an agony aunt/sister for some advice. 2 Chris and Georgia have known each other for a long time, but they've only been going up/out with each other since school started in September. 3 My cousin and her husband had only been married for a year when they decided to get engaged / divorced. 4 Poor Alex! He's been in /with love with Melissa for years, but she doesn't even know he exists! 5 Jeff doesn't have a very good friendship / relationship with his father. 6 Louise and Eddie had only been going out with each other for six months when they decided to get divorced/engaged. 7 I'm surprised that Vince and Debbie have split out/up. They seemed like the perfect couple.​



Ответ дал: bighugemister
  1. aunt
  2. out
  3. divorced
  4. in
  5. relationship
  6. engaged
  7. up
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