№1 Make Tag questions:
1. You are busy now.
2. Kate was born in Kiev.
3. There aren’t many people in the library now.
4. You haven’t heard from him for a long time.
5. She knows you.
6. I am very old.
7. Sam will be back early today.
8. That is my dog.
9. Pupils have read a lot of books.
10. My son didn’t see his friend.
11. Granny spent a lot of time on it.
12. They won’t help anyone.
13. We will do it.
14. There weren’t any spots there.
15. There won’t be any trouble.
16. She walked to work.
17. Cats were lying on the sofa.
18. He wasn’t at home. 10. Kate will do it.


Ответ дал: dipseydipsey


1. you are busy now, aren’t you?

дальше к концовке предложений добавляешь:

2. …wasn’t she?

3. are there?

4. have you?

5. doesn’t she?

6. aren’t I?

7. won’t he?

8. isn’t it?

9. haven’t they?

10. did he?

11. didn’t she?

12 will they?

13 won’t we?

14 were they?

15 will there?

16 did she?

17 weren’t they?

18 was he? won’t she?


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