грамматическое - условные предложения, выбрать верную форму сказуемого из двух предложенных. Choose the correct answer

1. If I were you, I would buy / will buy that house.

2. When we go to the country next summer, I swim / will swim in the river.

3. If I had his number, I would phone / would have phoned him.

4. If we finish homework on time, we go / will go to the party.

5. If I had studied harder, I would have/would have had better marks.


Ответ дал: bighugemister

1. If I were you, I would buy / will buy that house.

2. When we go to the country next summer, I swim / will swim in the river.

3. If I had his number, I would phone / would have phoned him.

4. If we finish homework on time, we go / will go to the party.

5. If I had studied harder, I would have/would have had better marks.

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