Complete the sentences with the reflexive pronouns
1.Nick likes talking to ...
2.Jack painted the wall...
3.My sister and I lokeed at ... in the mirror.
4.The bakery was closed,so I baked bread ...
5.The cleaner did not come,so I cleaned the house...
6.My little niece dressed ....She didn't need any help.


Ответ дал: Artemiy002


1. Nick likes talking to himself.

2. Jack painted the wall himself.

3. My sister and I looked at ourselves in the mirror.

4. The bakery was closed, so I baked bread myself.

5. The cleaner did not come, so I cleaned the house myself.

6. My little niece dressed herself. She didn't need any help

вот перевод : 1. Ник любит разговаривать сам с собой.

2. Джек сам покрасил стену.

3. Мы с сестрой посмотрели на себя в зеркало.

4. Булочная была закрыта, поэтому я сам(а) испек(ла) хлеб.

5. Уборщица не пришла, поэтому я убрала дом сама.

6. Моя маленькая племянница оделась сама. Ей не нужна была помощь.

2010NURAY2010: Спасибо большое!
Artemiy002: незачто
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