Переписать предложения, переделав из действительного залога в страдательный. Например,
We make our books, posters, newspapers from paper.
Мы делаем наши книги, постеры, газеты из бумаги.
Our books, posters, newspapers are made from paper by us.
Наши книги, постеры, газеты делаются из бумаги нами.
People make paper products from trees.
We use old newspapers and magazines to clean the windows.
We can share books and magazines with friends.
We write messages and shopping lists on the blank side of paper.
We make confetti from old magazines.
We wrap things with old newspapers.
We can take unwanted magazines to the recycling centre.
We line the shelves of a shoe cabinet with pages from old magazines.


Ответ дал: bighugemister
  • Paper products are made from trees by people.
  • Old newspapers and magazines are used to clean the windows by us.
  • Books and magazines can be shared with friends by us.
  • Messages and shopping lists are written by us on the blank side of paper.
  • Confetti is made from old magazines by us.
  • Things are wrapped with old newspapers by us.
  • Unwanted magazines can be taken to the recycling centre by us.
  • The shelves of a shoe cabinet are lined with pages from old magazines by us.
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