Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentences.
(24) you from Spain? (are)
(25) No, I’m. (not)
(26) Where you from? (are)

(27) Are you language teacher? (a)
(28) My bag red. (is)
(29) Are your glasses? (these)
(30) What’s name? (your)
(31) No, aren’t. (they)

F Complete the telephone conversation.
A: Good morning. Language Link.
B: Hello. I would like to register for Language Link, please.
A: Of course. What’s (32) ____________ name?
B: (33) ____________ name’s Eli Suzuki.
A: How do you spell (34) ____________?
B: E-L-I and S-U-Z-U-K-I.
A: Thank you. (35) __________ you (36) __________ student?
B: Yes, I (37) ____________.

Functional language
G Complete 38–44 with words or phrases from the box.
afternoon are you from? from I’m please
to meet you Would you like What’s your

(38) I’m ____________ Los Angeles.
(39) Yes, ____________.
(40) Nice ____________, Sandra. Where ____________?
(41) Hi! My name’s Jason. ____________ name?
(42) Hello. Good ____________.
(43) ____________ Sandra.
(44) ____________ a drink?


Ответ дал: Destuyi


(24) Are you from Spain?

(25) No, I’m not.

(26) Where are you from?

(27) Are you a language teacher?

(28) My bag is red.

(29) Are these your glasses?

(30) What’s your name?

(31) No, they aren’t.

F Complete the telephone conversation.

A: Good morning. Language Link.

B: Hello. I would like to register for Language Link, please.

A: Of course. What’s (32) your name?

B: (33) My name’s Eli Suzuki.

A: How do you spell (34) it?

B: E-L-I and S-U-Z-U-K-I.

A: Thank you. (35) Are you (36) a student?

B: Yes, I (37) am.

G Complete 38–44 with words or phrases from the box.

(38) I’m frrom Los Angeles.

(39) Yes, please.

(40) Nice to meet you, Sandra. Where are you from?

(41) Hi! My name’s Jason. What’s your name?

(42) Hello. Good afternoon.

(43) I`m Sandra.

(44) Would you like a drink?

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