Work in pairs. Read and look at the picture. 4d Find 8 differences. Policeman: What's your name? Mr Brown: My name's Henry. Henry Brown. I work in a small cafe in Chestnut Streets Policeman: What did you do in the afternoon? Mr Brown: I was working in the cafe. Usually there isn't much traffic in the street and it's quiet. But yesterday it was different. At 3... er... about 3 o'clock in the afternoon I heard a loud noise and went out to have a look. Policeman: What dia you see? Mr Brown: A dog was barking at two boys. The boys were standing behind a tree. A cat was sitting under a tree. There was a green bus. It was standing near the bank. The bus driver, well... he was laughing loudly at the dogs and the boys. A girl was getting off the bus and a boy was getting on the bus. Policeman: Did, you see an accident? Mr Brown: Yes, I saw an accident: a big red car was near a tree. The driver was a woman. She was standing near her cari She looked really unhappy. Well, 1 wanted to help her and phoned the traffic police. Policeman: Thank you


Ответ дал: gulnoralatipova57


sorry l dont now english ..

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