1 the trees and bushes (dark)
2 the house (?)
3 the front door (?)
4 the people in the portraits (?)
5 the cupboard (?)
6 the noise the friends heard (?)

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Ответ дал: serikabdigaliev82


2 the house (dark)

3 the front door 2house the (dark)

3 the front door (dark)

4 the people in the portraits (dark)

5 the cupboard (dark)

6 the noise the friends heard (dark)

3 the front door (dark)

4 the people in the portraits (dark)

5 the cupboard (dark)

6 the noise the friends heard (dark)

4 the people in the portraits (dark)

5 the cupboard (dark)

6 the noise the friends heard (dark)

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