C Complete 16–20 with a question word from the box.
Why Who Where What How

(16) __________ does Cindy live?
(17) __________ does she live with?
(18) __________ old is she?
(19) __________ does she do?
(20) __________ does Cindy live at home?

D Write answers to 16–20 using the prompts (21–25) below.
(21) she / in London

(22) she / at home with her parents

(23) she / nineteen

(24) she / student

(25) because / she / no money


Ответ дал: LoLoFoSt

(16) Where does Cindy live?

(17) Who does she live with?

(18) How old is she?

(19) What does she do?

(20) Why does Cindy live at home?

(21) She lives in London.

(22) She lives at home with her parents.

(23) She is nineteen.

(24) She is a student.

(25) Because she has no money.

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