Think of a popular market or shopping centre in
your town/city. Collect information, then write a
paragraph about it. Write: where it is, what it is like, what
you can buy there. Present the market to the class.
Уральск пж помогите срочно❗❗❗​


Ответ дал: nonkabobpa

Hi. I will talk about a popular market in our city, Uralsk. And so, the name of the popular market is "Dina". This market is located on Zelenovsky District, Roadside street. Index - 090000. This supermarket building is very tall and wide. There is also parking, of course .. Also in this building there are windows! In Dina, you can buy many products, such as minced meat, noodles, or drinks. An example for drinks is Sprite. Also, in this store, the employees are not very evil, very friendly and welcoming :)

((Надеюсь, не слишком короткий параграф)

timurbisaliev: спасибо
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