Put the verbs in the correct form to make questions in the second conditional. Then ask and answer the questions.
A: Where would you go if you could visit any country in the world? B: I'm not sure. Perhaps I'd go to Mexico.
1 Where ... you ... (go) if you ... (can) visit any country in the world?
2 Where ... you... (live) if you .. (have to) live in a different town?
3 If you .. (can) go to any event in the world you ... (want), which one ... you ... (go) to?
4 If you ... (can) meet an important person, who ... you ... (meet)?
5 What ... you ... (do) if you .. (be) invisible for a day?
6 If you ... (can) have one wish, what... you... (wish) for?

помогите пожалуйста​!!!!!!!



Ответ дал: TotallyNotme


1 Where would you go if you could visit any country in the world?

2 Where would you live if you had to live in a different town?

 3 If you could go to any event in the world you want, which one would you go to?

4 If you could meet an important person, who would you meet? 
5 What would you do if you were invisible for a day? 
6 If you could have one wish, what would you wish for? 


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