Сделайте пожалуйста очень срочно !!



Ответ дал: zaplina


1) You haven’t seen my plans, have you?

2) I don’t often forget you, do I?

3) That seems strange to you, doesn’t that?

4) It looked a little too sure, didn’t it?

5) I am not in his way, am I

6) You are not very cross, are you

7) It would be terrible if we all yielded to it, would not it?

8) You aren’t angry with me, are you

9) But he was doing it well, wasn’t he

10) The family would make a lovely garden, wouldn’t it

11) I think, it’s a great thing to say that, isn’t it

12) Why, you would not have us starve, would you

13) I couldn’t pay attention to it, could I

14) They have written a lot of poems, haven’t they

15) You don’t mind my saying it, do you

16) You’ve got the fish, don’t you

17) But one can’t have everything, can it

18) You’re not going to help me, are you

19) You wouldn’t leave me alone now, would you

20) Everyone knows his family well, doesn’t them


Только везде в конце предложений вопросительный знак.

Как образуется Tail Question:

Утвердительное предложение, смысловой глагол + местоимение?

Если утвердительное предложение отрицательное, то смысловой глагол нет, и наоборот

Ответ дал: yramm08


3) doesn't it

5) aren't I

20) do they


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