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past perfect. past perfect continuous
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Ответ дал: generalaccut


Past Perfect Continuous

  • He's been fixing his bike since the morning I arrived. I was swimming all morning when he called me.She had been waiting for hours.It rained all day.They have been training since 8 o'clock.I did not have any cash because I had lost my purse. The bags had not p acked when the taxi came.Had Mommy cooked the dinner when her children came home? That very moment John MacHale, who hadn’t been arguing, shouted out. San Marino noted that interest in the rational use of natural resources had been growing. Jim found that Lisa had been trying to get their son to talk French. It was late when the doctors found out what medicine had been killing people. The old farmer began ransacking his brain to recall where he had been walking during the day. we continued on the path we had been treading, it would lead us to totalitarianism. I am writing a letter for her now. I was writing a letter for her the whole evening. I had been writing a letter for her before my friends came. I had been working for the company for six years before I was fired. She had been cooking dinner for two hours already when her children rang her up. She had been looking for her pencil until she stepped on it.My brother said that my boyfriend had been waiting for me since morning. Bob had been waiting for more than 2 hours when Mary finally arrived. My grandfather had been working for six hours when I brought him lunch.l went outside. There were lots of puddles. It had been raining all night.
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