Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи. 
1. Oleg said, «My room is on this floor.»
2. He said, «I am sure she will ring me up tomorrow.» 
3. Michael said, «I saw them at my parents’ house last year.» 
4. He said, “I haven’t seen my cousin today.»
5. She said, «I didn’t go shopping yesterday.»
6. Tom said, «I have already had breakfast here, so I am not hungry.»
7. He said, «I received a letter from him a week ago.» 
8. «I am going to the theatre tonight» he said to me.
9. Mike said, «I spoke to Mr Brown this morn¬ing.»
10. I said to them, «Now I can give you her mobile number.»


Ответ дал: moshnoshvets


1) Oleg said that his room was on this floor.

2) He said that he was sure she would rang him up tomorrow.

3) Michael said that he had seen them at his parents’ house last year.

4) He said that he had not seen his cousin today.

5) She said that she had not went shopping yesterday.

6) Tom said that he had had breakfast here, so he was not hungry.

7)  He said that he had received a letter from him a week ago.

8) He said to me that he would goto the theatre tonight.

9) Mike said that he had spoke to Mr Brown this morning.

10)  I said to them that I could give you her mobile number.


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