2 complete the dialogue with the words in the box. a an 's isn't some any aren't some there an a new Holly Is Barford exciting town? Mum Oh, yes! There are some nice buildings in the old town and there! small museum Holly A small museum? It isn't very interesting, Mum! Mum But there are 2 good places for young people. There's 3 sports centre, there are 4 fantastic parks and there aren't noisy streets! Holly OK. And the shops? Mum There 6 a shopping centre and there? any expensive shops. But 8 are some nice small shops, Holly Thanks, Mum! I think Barford isn't very exciting 5 пожалуйста помогите 25 баллов ​



Ответ дал: yttjoe


holly: is barford an exciting town?

mum: oh, yes! there are some nice buildings in the old rown and there's a small museum.

holly: a small museum? it isn't very interesting, mum!

mum: but there are some good places for

young people. There's a new sport center, aren't any noisy streets!

there are some fantastic parks and there aren't any noisy streets!

holly: ok. and the shops?

mum: there aren't a shopping centre and there isn't any expensive shops. but there are some nice small shops

Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. ...there's a small museum.

2. some

3. a

4. some

5. any

6. isn't

7. aren't

8. there


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