Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильную грамматическую форму: 1. A: I’m sorry we’re late. We 1______________________(miss) the train. B: How 2________ that ______________(happen)? A: Well, I 3____________(get) the times wrong and when we 4_______________ (arrive) at the station, the train 5______________________ (just/leave). 2. A: 1________ you ______________(have) a good meal at Hillary’s? B: Well no, it 2____________(be) very embarrassing. When we 3_____________ (arrive), we 4________________(know) immediately that she 5_________________ (forget) about the whole thing. A: So what 6________ she ______________ (do)? B: Well, she 7_________________(pretend) that she 8______________________ (not forget) and 9______________(say) that the meal 10_________________(not be) ready because she 11______________________(get) home from work very late. A: Oh no, how awful! 3. It 1_______________(be) a beautiful morning. It 2___________________(rain) in the night and so the ground 3_____________________ (be) fresh and clean and it 4_______________(smell) wonderful. None of the Taylor family 5____________(be) awake though. They 6__________________(all/go) to bed very late the night before. Their Australian cousin 7____________________(arrive) unexpectedly that evening and they 8______________________(sit up) talking most of the night. Although it 9____________(be) now 8 o’clock in the morning, they 10______________(only/be) in bed for about two hours. ​


Ответ дал: veragershkovich79

1 missed the train. B: How 2 did that happen (happen)? A: Well, I 3 got (get) the times wrong and when we 4 arrived (arrive) at the station, the train 5 has already left (just/leave). 2. A: 1 Do you have (have) a good meal at Hillary’s? B: Well no, it 2 will be (be) very embarrassing. When we 3 arrive (arrive), we 4 will know (know) immediately that she 5 that she forgot (forget) about the whole thing. A: So what 6 did she do (do)? B: Well, she 7 pretended (pretend) that she 8 didn't forget  (not forget) and 9 said (say) that the meal 10 isn't ready (not be) ready because she 11 got (get) home from work very late. A: Oh no, how awful! 3. It 1 is (be) a beautiful morning. It 2 rained (rain) in the night and so the ground 3 was (be) fresh and clean and it 4 smelled (smell) wonderful. None of the Taylor family 5 was (be) awake though. They 6 all went  (all/go) to bed very late the night before. Their Australian cousin 7 arrive (arrive) unexpectedly that evening and they 8 sat  up (sit up) talking most of the night. Although it 9 is (be) now 8 o’clock in the morning, they 10 were only  (only/be) in bed for about two hours. ​

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