1. They knew what they _________ for.
1) are fighting
2) is fighting
3) were fighting
4) has been fighting
2. We asked him if anything ________________.
1) had happened
2) has happened
3) happened
4) is happened
3. People knew that meals _________ electricity.
1) conduct
2) is conducting
3) conducted
4) conducting
4. I think that it __________.
1) would rain
2) will rain
3) was rain
4) raining
5. When we came to see Kate, she __________ ill for three days.
1) is
2) has been
3) are
4) had been
6. How long ________ you ________ her?
1) had known
2) did know
3) know
4) have known
7. Mrs. White ___________ Physics at our school since 2019.
1) has been teaching
2) had been teaching
3) are teaching
4) teach
8. My father ___________ his car the whole morning.
1) was repairing
2) is repairing
3) repairs
4) has repaired
9. _______ you _______ your breakfast this morning?
1) Has…….had
2) Have…..had
3) Had…….had
4) Have……..have
10. The girls ____________ now.
1) are not singing
2) is not singing
3) have not been singing
4) do not sing
11. The players didnt know the score, but we were sure their team (lose) the
1) has lost
2) had lost
3) lost
4) will lose
12. I knew that he__________ me next year.
1) will help
2) would help
3) didnt help
4) help


Ответ дал: bighugemister
  1. 3) were fighting
  2. 1) had happened
  3. 3) conducted
  4. 2) will rain
  5. 4) had been
  6. 4) have known
  7. 1) has been teaching
  8. 2) is repairing
  9. 2) Have; had
  10. 1) are not singing now
  11. 2) had lost
  12. 2) would help
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