47. Choose the correct variant. ... Baffin Island is a part of ... Canada. A) The, the B) The C) -- D) A. - E) - the 48. Choose the correct variant When life gives you ... hundred reasons to cry show life that you have ... thousands of reasons to smile A) a, a B) the, the D) ES- 49. Choose the correct variant She read...last part of her new book... last week A), the B) the, the C) - D) the. - E) the 50. Choose the correct variant. The brain takes longer to tell... lie than to tell - truth A) the, the B) - C) the. - D) a, the E) the, a 51. Choose the correct variant. Our ship crossed ... Atlantic in ... few days. A) an, the B) the, a C)- D) the, the E) an- 52. Choose the correct variant A fool may throw ... stone into a well which... hundred wise men canna pull out. A) the, - B) - the c)- D) the, the 53. Choose the correct varint. most people keep pet: The cat is ... most favourite pet A) a B) C) The, a D) The, the E) the 54. Choose the correct variant. Internet started in 1969 in ... USA. B) An, the C)- E) The, the E). A) The. - D) An.-​



Ответ дал: lera8364


47. The, -
48. C
49. D
50. D
51. B
52. E
53. E
54. E


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