Ask alternative questions with the following words. Give answers

Example: Your bike/be stolen/last week/this week?
Was your bike stolen last week or this week? — It was stolen last week.

1.-Jack/be born/in July/in June?2.-Millions of cars/be exported/from Japan/from Germany?
3.-The house/be sold/before they moved to a new place/after that?
4.-Two problems/only one/be discussed/so far?
5.-He/be interviewed/by Italian/by Russian/television at 6 o’clock yesterday?
6.-Mr Murphy/Mr Digby/be appointed/a new marketing manager/next Friday?
7.-His suit/raincoat/be cleaned/at the moment?
8.-The boss/must/be told/the news/now/later?


Ответ дал: bighugemister
  1. Was Jack born in July or in June?
  2. Are millions of cars exported from Japan or from Germany?
  3. Had the house been sold before they moved to a new place or after that?
  4. Have two problems or only one been discussed so far?
  5. Was he being interviewed by Italian or Russian television at 6 o'clock yesterday?
  6. Will Mr Murphy or Mr Digby be appointed a new marketing manager next Friday?
  7. Is his suit or his raincoat being cleaned at the moment?
  8. Must the boss be told the news now or later?

yasmina3257: Спасибо большое!
Ответ дал: lera8364


1.-Was Jack born in July or in June? - He was born in June.
2.-Are millions of cars exported from Japan or from Germany? - They are exported from Japan.

3.-Was the house sold before they moved to a new place or after that? - It was sold after that.

4.-Have two problems or only one been discussed so far? - Only one problem has been discussed.

5.-Was he interviewed by Italian or by Russian television at 6 o’clock yesterday? - He was interviewed by Russian television.

6.-Will Mr Murphy or Mr Digby be appointed a new marketing manager next Friday? - Mr Murphy will be appointed a new marketing manager.

7.-Is his suit or raincoat being cleaned at the moment? - His suit is being cleaned.

8.-Must the boss be told the news now or later? - The boss must be told the news now.


yasmina3257: Спасибооо
yasmina3257: Можете перевести последнее предложение?
yasmina3257: Все не надо
lera8364: Боссу должны сообщить новости сейчас или позже? - Боссу должны сообщить новости сейчас (на всякий случай перевела:))
yasmina3257: Спасибо огромное
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