Make questions and short answers with do/does, don’t/doesn't.
1) …Do …. you have any luggage? Yes, I……do……….
2)…………. the hotel have a laundry? No, it………………
3)…………. she want to book a room? Yes, she…………….
4)…………. you work in reception? No, I……………….
5)…………. he speak English? Yes, he………………
6)…………. we have a parking space? Yes, you…………….
7)…………. she know the city? No, she…………….
8)…………. they have any children? Yes, they…………….


Ответ дал: 0riseqwe0


2) Does...? No, it doesn't

3) Does..? Yes, she does

4) Do..? No, I don't

5) Does..? Yes, he does

6) Do..? Yes, you do

7) Does..? No, she doesn't

8) Do..? Yes, they do

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