Open the brackets, using the Passive Voice.
1. Payment (make) in the local bank last week.
2. Special training (give) to new employees in our company.
3. Taxes (raise) now.
4. The project just complete).
5. This new product (develop) by the end of the month.
6. A lot of the ideas for new products (provide) by customers.
7. My friend just (promote).
8. A decision already (make) when he came.
9. Every product (check) for quality.
10. Nothing (do) since we left the office. 11. The first branch of our bank (open) in 2000.
12. New marketing strategy (develop) now. 13. I (ask) to do a lot of extra work at the moment.
14. Most of the top managers (fire) after the takeover.
15. The company's German subsidiary (sell) by the end of the year.​


Ответ дал: malygyn


passive voice


1 was made

2 was given

3 were rised

4 had been comleted

5 had been developed

6 were provided

7 has promoted

8 was made

9 was checked

10 was done

11 had been opened

12 is developed

13 am asked

14 were fired

15 was sold

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