1. Define the type of Conditional. ( Определить тип )
1. If we were clever and careful, we wouldn’t live among litter and waste.
2. If Mary meets our teacher, she will ask her about the party.
3. If father buys tickets, we will go there,
4. If people had dreamed more about space flight, they would have found another planet to live on.
5. If I had felt better, I would have taken part in the competition.
6. If I am rich, I will help the poor people.
7. I would have won the first prize if I had worked hard.
8. If we took care pf our planet, we wouldn’t have so many environmental problems.
9. If she hadn’t studied so hard last month, she wouldn’t have passed her exam.
10. I would build a house for my Granny if I were an architect.

2. Complete the sentences, putting the verbs into the correct form.
(Раскрыть скобки в одном из типов)

1. Of course it would be better if you ________ (to be) there too.
2. I will never finish my story if you_________ (to keep) on interrupting me.
3. If we start now, we________ (to catch) the evening train.
4. If the teenager_________ (to collect) his thoughts, he would have won the competition.
5. If she finished her research, she_________ (to take part) in the conference.
6. If I_________ (to have) something to say to a man, I’ll tell it to his face.
7. What _____ you____ (to do) if you won 500 dollars?
8. If the weather had been sunny and warm, we __________ (to go) to the country.
9. If they_________ (to know) about the consequences, they wouldn’t have dropped that cigarette pocket.
10. If John_______ (to do) his home task, he’ll go for a walk.


Ответ дал: tvingchxx


1. 2 тип

2. 1

3. 1

4. 3

5. 3

6. 1

7. 3

8. 3

9. 3

10. 2

1. were

2. keep

3. will catch

4. had collected

5. would take part

6. have

7. would you do

8. would have gone

9. had known

10. does

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