Закрепление условных предложений 1,2,3 типов (Forward 9) -Раскрой скобки, используя нужный тип условных предложений
1.If you (cut) your finger with a knife, it _(hurt)
2.If I_(be) billionaire, I (buy) an island.
3.Snow (melt) ifthe temperature (rise) above zero.
4.If I _ (live)in the countryside, I _ (walk) in the forest every day.
5.You _ (find) a good job if you … (study) well.
6. If the weather (be) good, we (walk) our dogs in the park.
7.1 _ (never do) this if I _ (be) you.
8.You _ (get) into trouble if you (continue) to hang out with her.
9.If you _ (drink) much coffee, you _ (not sleep) at night.​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1.If you cut your finger with a knife, it hurts. Conditional 0

2.If I were billionaire, I would buy an island. Conditional II

3.Snow melts ifthe temperature rises above zero.Conditional 0

4.If I lived in the countryside, I would walk in the forest every day. Conditional II

5.You will find a good job if you study well. Conditional I

6. If the weather is good, we will walk our dogs in the park. Conditional I

7.I would never do this if I were you.Conditional II

8.You will get into trouble if you continue to hang out with her. Conditional I

9.If you drink much coffee, you will not sleep at night.​ Conditional I



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