Exercise 2. Complete with Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. 1. (buy) your new car yet? 2. Our teacher (check) more than a dozen exam a papers up to now. 3. I (travel) to many countries. 4. I (lose) my key, I cannot find it. 5. It (rain) non-stop for more than an hour now. 6. Sarah not (see) you for a long time; where have you been? 7. Bryan (learn Spanish for three years. 8. How long (play) the piano? "Since I was 5." 9. Maria (find) my lost wallet. 10. We not (see) you for ages. 11. My dad (work) in the same company for more than twenty years. 12. My patience (come) to an end. 13. How long (watch) TV, your eyes look so red. 14. I (drive) for over eight hours now. I am extremely tired.


Ответ дал: yyurchik412


1. Have you bought

2. has checked

3. have travelled

4. have lost

5. has been raining

6. has been waiting

7. has been learning

8. have you been playing

9. has found

10. haven't seen

11. has been working

12. has come

13. have you been watching

14. have been driving

15. has reached

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