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Choose the best variant.
1. The gates … at seven o’clock every evening. A. are locked B. lock C. locked D. have been locked
2. They understood that they … a mistake. A. made B. had made C. make D. are making
3. If he … I’ll quit, I promise. A. was promoted B. will be promoted C. is promoted D. has been promoted
4. What is this water for? – I … my car in the garage. A. wash B. have washed C. am washing D. am going to wash
5. Is Mr. Green at home? – He … be, but I’m not sure. A. might B. may C. must D. could
6. The … produced at our factory in Australia. A. good are B. goods are C. good is D. goods is
7. All the guests were dancing. … having a good time. A. All were B. Every was C. Everyone was D. Someone were
8. We’ve live in this flat … five years. A. ago B. already C. since D. for
9. Polly wants to cycle round the world. She’s really keen … the idea. A. about B. for C. on D. to
10. I’m looking for … to cut this string. A. a pair scissors B. a scissors C. some scissors D. a scissors
11. Don’t go so fast. I can’t keep … you. A. on to B. on with C. up to D. up with
12. … furious Susie told Mrs. Joe about it. A. – B. a C. and D. the​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1. The gates … at seven o’clock every evening.

  A. are locked

(фраза every evening является индикатором Present Simple, а поскольку ворота закрывают люди, это пассивный залог)

2. They understood that they … a mistake.

B. had made

(Past Perfect выражает действие, которое произошло раньше: сначала совершили ошибку, потом поняли это)

3. If he …, I’ll quit, I promise.

C. is promoted

(условное I типа, описывает реальное будущее; в придаточных условия используется глагол в настоящем времени)

4. What is this water for? – I … my car in the garage.

  D. am going to wash

(речь о намерении выполнить действие)

5. Is Mr. Green at home? – He … be, but I’m not sure.

  A. might

(модальный глагол might выражает предположение)

6. The … produced at our factory in Australia.

   B. goods are

(goods - товары, множ. число)

7. All the guests were dancing. … having a good time.

C. Everyone was

(Everyone = каждый, обычно переводится словом "все", но всегда используется с глаголом в ед. числе)

8. We’ve lived in this flat … five years.

 D. for

  (когда речь идет о длительности действия, используется предлог for)

9. Polly wants to cycle round the world. She’s really keen … the idea.

C. on

(keen on something - устойчивое сочетание, такие сочетания нужно заучивать)

10. I’m looking for … to cut this string.

C. some scissors

(это существительное имеет только форму множ. числа, не употребляется с артиклем 'a')

11. Don’t go so fast. I can’t keep … you.

D. up with

(keep up with somebody = поспевать за кем-либо)

12. … furious Susie told Mrs. Joe about it.

A. –
(Имена собственные употребляются без артикля, если перед ними стоят характеризующие их прилагательные)


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