Complete the sentences with suitable words.

Write one word in each gap.

Ted is a nickname Theodore and Edward.

Sweden is the happiest country the world.

I usually spend to $50 a week on food.

The show was interesting that I couldn't stop watching it.

There's plenty good actors from the UK.



Ответ дал: wasjafeldman

1. Ted is a nickname for Theodore and Edward.

Тед -- уменьшительное имя для Теодора или Эдварда.

2. Sweden is the happiest country in the world.

Швеция -- самая счастливая страна мира.

3. I usually spend up to $50 a week on food.

На еду я обычно трачу до 50 долларов в неделю.

4. The show was so interesting that I couldn't stop watching it.

Шоу было таким интересным,что я не мог прекратить его смотреть.

5. There's plenty of good actors from the UK.

Есть много хороших актёров из Великобритании.

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