They are over there, it is 29 $. I am just looking, thanks, Yes, you can of course, Yes, please, Extra small, please.

1. Can help you?

2. Where are the changing rooms?

3. What size do you need?

4. How much is this?

5. Can I pay by credit card?

6. Would you like a bag for that?​


Ответ дал: LoLoFoSt

1. Can I help you?

I'm just looking, thanks.

2. Where are the changing rooms?

They are over there.

3. What size do you need?

Extra small, please.

4. How much is this?

It is 29$

5. Can I pay by credit card?

Yes, you can of course.

6. Would you like a bag for that?

Yes, please.

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