Task 1 (40 points).

What has happened to these people? Write questions and answers.

Example: What’s wrong with her? She has eaten too much ice-cream.



Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1.What's wrong with him?

He has broken his leg.

2.What's wrong with her?

She has sprained her wrist.

3.What's wrong with him?

He has twisted his ankle.

4.What's wrong with him?

He has hurt his back.

5.What's wrong with him?

He has banged his head.

6.What's wrong with him?

He has cut his finger.

7.What's wrong with her?

She has chipped her tooth.

8.What's wrong with them?

They have had an accident.

9.What's wrong with him?

He has overslept.

10.What's wrong with him?

He has got a sunburn.


1.Что с ним?

Он сломал ногу.

2.Что с ней?

Она вывихнула запястье.

3.Что с ним?

Он подвернул лодыжку.

4.Что с ним?

Он повредил спину.

5.Что с ним?

Он ударился головой.

6.Что с ним?

Он порезал палец.

7.Что с ней?

У нее откололся зуб.

8.Что с ними?

Они попали в аварию.

9.Что с ним?

Он проспал.

10.Что с ним не так?

У него солнечный ожог.

Вас заинтересует
7 лет назад